No Going Back(Space) Mac App - Get The Early Bird Price!

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Deactivate your backspace key. It's frustrating. But it works.

But why?

Before computers, we used to write by hand or even used a typewriter. Both can get messy, but more importantly, both allow your creativity to flow.

With modern technology, you can obsessively go back, delete, write, and rewrite the same sentence over and over again. Your original thought may get lost or completely change by the end of it all.

No Going Back(Space) allows you to get those first thoughts out there. Write the whole thing out, read it, and then you can decide what you need to fix.

Let your first draft be a real first draft.

How To Use:

  1. Install the app
  2. Update permissions 
  3. Open up your writing application of choice
  4. Disable the use of the backspace bar by pressing Control-Option-Command-I OR click the No Going Back Space icon at the top of your Menu Bar

  5. Begin writing. Any time you try to hit the backspace button, a typewriter bell will go off.
  6. Turn off after writing (or when you can’t take it anymore 🙂).

Loving or hating this app? Feel free to send me an email with any feedback on how I can make this better stbobby (at) duck (dot) com.

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Reduced Perfectionism
By removing the temptation to constantly edit and perfect each sentence as it's written, you can combat perfectionism that often hampers progress. The focus shifts from immediate perfection to the broader act of creation, encouraging a "good enough" first draft.
Enhanced Creative Flow
Without the ability to erase mistakes or second-guess every word, you are more likely to enter and maintain a state of "flow," where ideas pour out more freely and spontaneously. This can lead to increased creativity and the discovery of unexpected directions in your work.
Fosters Rewriting Skills
Stephen King and other proponents of the craft stress the importance of rewriting. Working without a backspace button necessitates a more substantial rewriting process, which can improve your ability to critically evaluate your own work and enhance your editing skills.
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No Going Back(Space) Mac App - Get The Early Bird Price!

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